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2023 Fall Conference: Attendee Registration

  • November 07, 2023
  • 5:00 PM
  • November 08, 2023
  • 4:30 PM
  • Hilton Harrisburg | 1 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101


  • This option is for PAMIC members.
  • For non-PAMIC members who wish to attend the event.
  • Platinum sponsors receive 1 complimentary registration. Email lsharp@pamic.org for your coupon code.

2023 Fall Conference

Tuesday November 7th & 8th
Hilton Harrisburg  |  1 North 2nd Street, Harrisburg, PA
This overnight education and networking event will kick off with an evening reception and then move on to a day full of education for BOTH the Insurtech and Underwriting sides of our industry. 
PAMIC has teamed up with the PA Insurance Department to bring you a great day of education and networking.  
Expect combined general sessions, as well as break-out sessions dedicated to each topic. Attendees of our previous annual IT Seminars and annual Underwriting Seminars will find this to be valuable and the perfect improvement on our previous events!

Earn 5 CE Credits for attending!

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Tuesday, November 7th

5:00-6:30pm- Welcome Reception


Wednesday, November 8th

8:00-9:00am- Breakfast & Registration

9:00-10:15am- The Pennsylvania Insurance Department presents:
Trends in the Regulatory Environment

Part I:   The Public Engagement and Consumer Services Divisions will introduce new initiatives and the cycle of engagement with the public and carriers on recent issues.  Speakers will discuss the objectives/challenges being seen by this Administration and the need for working in tandem with the industry to address consumer needs in PA.

Jeff Rohaly – Director, Bureau of Consumer Services

Michael Fissel - Director, Bureau of Licensing and Enforcement

Gary Jones – Director, Bureau of Market  Actions

Bethany Blessing – Senior Advisor for Public Engagement

10:15-10:45am- BREAK

10:45am-12:00pm The Pennsylvania Insurance Department presents:
Trends in the Regulatory Environment

Part II:  The Market Conduct, Market Analysis and Licensing and Enforcement Divisions will discuss how the cycle of engagement translates to company outreach, examination trends, enforcement actions.  They speakers will address Governor Shapiro's Executive Order, as well as how the new Insurance Consumer Privacy Act (Act 2 of 2023) will impact companies and what to expect moving forward.  These Divisions will share how they interact with the other Divisions to ensure a healthy insurance marketplace in PA. 

12:00-1:15pm- LUNCH

1:15-2:15pm- General Session - Collaboration and Modernization of your Systems- Technology May be the Easy Part!

Panel Discussion with our own PAMIC Member Companies, moderated by Peter Kraynak of Insurance724

Both business and technology leaders in the insurance industry continue to face expectations about how to modernize systems, while the competition for mutual companies gets even stronger. With the rise of insurtechs and the inevitability of cloud computing, the age-old question of system selection is no longer straightforward. In fact, planning and executing your next steps for modernization and going from “here” to “there” is quite complicated – making the collaboration between business and IT essential at every step. Our panelists from mutual companies will share their experiences, both successes and lessons-learned, to help you solidify your approach at any point in your team’s path to modernization.

2:30-3:30pm- Session 2 – IT- Should my Company be using Dev Ops? 

In a sector where rapid response and continuous adaptation are crucial, adopting a DevOps culture can significantly accelerate the development, deployment, and monitoring of software solutions.  This session is crafted for IT professionals in the insurance realm, aiming to broaden their understanding and capability in employing DevOps practices and streamlined deployments.  This session will explore what DevOps can look like for both the large and the small organization and will explore strategies and tools that can facilitate a smoother collaboration between development and operations teams.  By the end of the session, participants will have garnered valuable insights and practical know-how to drive DevOps transformation in their insurance organizations, ensuring a faster delivery, higher operational efficiency, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Chris Gearhart, Millville Insurance & James Weller, Penn National Insurance


Session 2 - Underwriting

Supercharging Underwriting with LLMs and Generative AI

Underwriting is poised for a revolution driven by the rise of AI, especially generative AI and large language models (LLMs). In this session, we'll explore how these AI technologies are supercharging underwriters' capabilities. We'll look at real-world examples of how leading vendors and insurance companies are using LLMs and generative AI to automate repetitive tasks, quickly synthesize insights from textual data, generate accurate risk assessments, and provide explainable underwriting decisions. Attendees will come away with an understanding of how LLMs and generative AI are transforming underwriting through greater productivity, efficiency, and predictive accuracy.

Martin Higgins, Senior Principle, Datos Insights


3:30-4:30pm- Session 3 - IT

Unlocking the Power of Generative AI 

This presentation provides a deeper dive into creating solutions with large language models (LLMs), including prompt engineering and fine-tuning to optimize LLM performance for risk assessment and decision making. Attendees will learn effective techniques for preprocessing underwriting data and requests to improve LLM accuracy. We will examine architectural and infrastructure considerations for integrating LLMs into business workflows. Participants will leave with actionable strategies for deploying LLMs to bring cutting-edge AI capabilities to their business processes and achieve higher efficiency, consistency, and predictive power.

Martin Higgins, Senior Principle, Datos Insights


Session 3 - Underwriting

Independent Agency Marketplace Update & How to Navigate Relationships in an Aggregator World

Jason Ernest, Esq., President & CEO of IA&B, will present highlights of the 2022 IA&B P&C Marketplace Report on the state of the independent agency system, both countrywide and in our region.  He will also address the emerging state of agency transformations in the marketplace and how to navigate relationships in the aggregator world.  

Room Reservations

Overnight rooms are available at a reduced rate of $169 per night.

Book your room here

Thank you to our Sponsors:   

Thank you to our Exhibitors:


Contact our Director of Events and Education, Becky Ferris at rferris@pamic.org or call 717-303-0197.

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Cancellation Policy

Refunds will be provided if written notice of cancellation is submitted on or before Tuesday, October 31, 2023.  Beginning November 1st, a credit will be provided for any cancellation. 

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