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Exhibitor and Sponsorship Opportunities 

Sponsorship Opportunities

What can PAMIC sponsorship do for your company?

PAMIC is an organization comprised of 52 member groups, including 108 property and casualty insurers licensed to sell products throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Beyond Mutual companies, PAMIC represents over 130 associate members from every corner of the insurance industry such as independent adjusters, financial advisors, forensic engineers, reinsurers, and more! 


  1. Generate strong leads by drawing in interested clients

  2. Put your company front and center, boosting credibility and giving your business authority over competitors

  3. Promote your company in front of your target audience at a specific industry-related educational seminar (i.e. Claims, Underwriting, Financial Management)

  4. Grant your company brand awareness and media exposure via LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and more

  5. Increase your reach to new clients, customers, and businesses, some of which you may not have even been aware

  6. Reconnect with clients and engage with an audience to maintain strong business relations

  7. Deliver great ROI by keeping sponsorship costs low compared to similar industry-related organizations, but promoting to a more direct audience



The once Premium Gold, now Platinum Sponsorship allows for a one-time annual payment and provides Platinum-level sponsorship benefits to all PAMIC educational events (excluding Convention).

Platinum Sponsors receive unprecedented amounts of exposure throughout the year. That exposure includes exclusive event sponsorship and your company logo included on all PAMIC event-related emails.


The Signature Sponsorship allows sponsors to participate in a flexible amount of each individual-level sponsorship. Similar to the Platinum Sponsorship this is one-time annual payment for the events your company wishes to sponsor.

The Signature Sponsorship Program is geared towards smaller companies and includes a minimum of three sponsorships which can be expanded based on individual needs.

Annual Sponsorship Opportunities


Interested companies can sponsor any annual PAMIC event (excluding Convention). This is a one-time event sponsorship with a list of benefits and works well for associate companies such as law firms, financial advisors, and others that operate in a specific field of the Mutual insurance industry. This option allows for a one-time payment, and registration for the event sponsorship within a 6-8 week time frame prior to the event. Events able to be sponsored at the individual level are Annual Spring Conference, Claims Summit, Executive and Board Roundtable, Financial Management Seminar, Insurance Technology Trends Seminar, and the Underwriting and Loss Prevention Seminar.

Upcoming Sponsorship Opportunities

Exhibitor Opportunities

PAMIC offers the unique opportunity for exhibitors to interact with high-level executives from Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and the surrounding states. Exhibitors will receive great exposure to leaders in the Mutual insurance industry. 

Upcoming Exhibitor Opportunities

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