Financial Management Seminar
September 14, 2023
Attendees can earn 6 CPE Credits for attending.
Seminar Agenda
8:00 - 8:45am: Continental Breakfast
8:45 - 9:00am: Welcome & Chairman Remarks
9:00 - 9:45am: Legislative and Regulatory Update
Lisa Katterman, PAMIC President
9:45 - 10:45am: Motivating Your Team in a Hybrid Environment
Rachel Schmoyer, Senior Manager, Baker Tilly
Join us for an engaging session delving into the evolving dynamics of today's workforce, where we explore effective strategies for inspiring and fostering communication among team members within the context of a hybrid environment; expect a participatory and collaborative dialogue that encourages attendees to share their own insights, challenges, and triumphs from their respective teams.
10:45 - 11:00am: Mid- Morning Break
11:00am - 12:00pm: Investment/Economic Update
James Quinn, Client Strategist/Portfolio Manager, New England Asset Management
Hear from one of NEAM's leading financial strategists as he provides an up-to-date review of economic and capital market conditions, NEAM’s forward outlook for the industry, and an overview of current approaches to portfolio strategy.
12:00 - 1:00pm: Lunch Break
1:00 - 2:00pm: Chasing the Yield
Anthony Latini, Managing Director of Investment Banking at Janney Montgomery Scott, Moderator
Thomas Hall, Co-Head of Private Credit, Capital Dynamics
Peter Simon, Founder & CEO, Dominium Advisors
Bill McGettigan, Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh
Despite a changing market environment, insurers continue to seek meaningful diversification and yield in their investment portfolios. Join us for an engaging session on how traditional and non-traditional tools can offer opportunities to enhance portolios for the years ahead. Hear about a broad range of portfolio products, including US private credit and residential mortgage loans, as well as their rating agency and regulatory implications for insurance companies.
2:00 - 3:00pm: Best Practices for Internal Controls and Third Party Vendor Management
Seth Edwards, Muazzam Malik and Shawn Seasongood, Protiviti
Hear from three seasoned professionals on best practices for internal and external controls for financial operations with an audit focus, including third party vendor management business processes and frameworks. Attendees will also hear their insight on what examiners are seeing as a focus for regulators as they evaluate these controls. This session is designed for all areas of financial operations and can help facilitate their interaction with auditors.
3:00 - 4:00pm: P/C Statutory Accounting and NAIC Annual Statement Update
Scott Esworthy, BSSF
This session is an annual favorite for company financial professionals as we learn from experienced insurance accounting firms who bring to your attention all recently adopted and exposed statutory accounting guidance and changes to the NAIC Annual Statement Blank for property and casualty insurers. This never-miss session helps inform on historical treatment, as well as prepare for upcoming reporting changes and answer questions on why those changes have been put into place. Great session for young professionals hoping to gain an understanding of the financial environment.
4:00pm - Closing Remarks & Adjournment

Contact our Director of Events and Education, Becky Ferris at or call 717-303-0197.
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The last day to cancel registration is Monday, September 11, 2023.