Sponsor the 117th PAMIC Convention
August 4-6, 2024
The Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Golf Resort, Spa & Marina
100 Heron Blvd. at Route 50, Cambridge, MD 21613
As one of the largest mutual insurance events on the East Coast, the PAMIC Convention includes attendees from all over the Mid-Atlantic region. Unique sponsorship opportunities are available and industry experts and vendors are able to showcase their company in front of a prominent, decision making audience!
Sponsorship does not automatically register you to attend.
Please register below.
Quick Links:
Attend | Exhibitor | Golf
All sponsors will receive the following benefits:
- Preliminary attendee list updates prior to the Convention
- Company name or logo printed in program
*please note: if a logo is not provided, we will use what we have on file
- Company name or logo displayed on prominent event signage
- Silver level sponsors and above are able to provide 400 of their marketing items to be included in attendee bags
- Sponsors will receive a 20% discount on advertisements in the Convention program. (PAMIC is not responsible for designing or providing company ads)
- 1/4 page advertisement: $160 (normally $200)
- 1/2 page advertisement: $240 (normally $300)
- Full page advertisement: $400 (normally $500)
*Advertisement specs:
1/4 page: 2.75 x 4.25
1/2 page: 4.25 x 5.5
Full page: 5.5 x 8.
*all ads should have a .125 bleed and be minimum 600 dpi
Questions about the ads? Contact Cindy Warren at cwarren@pamic.org.
Diamond Sponsorship ($10,000):
(also includes 2 complimentary attendee registrations- contact Lora Sharp at lsharp@pamic.org for coupon code)
Sapphire Sponsorship ($8,000):
(also includes 2 complimentary attendee registrations- contact Lora Sharp at lsharp@pamic.org for coupon code)
Choose 1:
- Golf Outing & Farewell Reception
- Chairman's Reception (Diamonds & Champagne)
- Programs (full page ad)
- Annual Meeting Luncheon
- Breakfasts
- Refreshment Breaks
Emerald Sponsorship ($6,000):
(also includes 1 complimentary attendee registration- contact Lora Sharp at lsharp@pamic.org for coupon code)
Choose 1:
- Convention Lanyards - SOLD
- Hotel Key Cards - SOLD
- Convention Bags - SOLD
- Golf Balls - SOLD
Gold Sponsorship ($4,000):
(also includes 1 complimentary attendee registration- contact Lora Sharp at lsharp@pamic.org for coupon code)
Choose 1:
Guest/Spouse Program- Winery Tour
Convention Pins
Past Chairperson's Breakfast
Sunday Evening Reception
Logoed Mosquito Bracelets - SOLD
Silver Sponsorship ($2,000):
These sponsors will receive all of the benefits below (Bronze) plus recognition on prominent Convention signage with other Silver Sponsors and receive company recognition from the podium during the general session. Silver sponsors are also able to send in marketing items for attendee bags. (Company provides items.)
Bronze Sponsorship ($1,000):
These sponsors will receive name recognition in the Convention program, and on prominent convention signage with other Bronze Sponsors. Sponsor identification is noted on name badges. You also receive a preliminary Convention registration list.
- All sponsorship payments are due by Friday, July 12, 2024.
- The deadline for submitted program advertisements is Friday, July 12, 2024.
- Diamond, Sapphire, and Emerald sponsors, please forward your logo to Cindy Warren (cwarren@pamic.org) in a high resolution format (preferably an eps file or large tif file) upon registering.
Silver sponsors and above: marketing materials for the attendee bags must be received at the PAMIC office- 4999 Louise Drive, Suite 304, Mechanicsburg, PA 17055- by Friday, July 12, 2024.
Please note, any sponsorship signups submitted after 5pm on Friday, July 12, 2024 may not be featured in print due to production time. Thank you for your understanding and support of PAMIC.
If you are sponsoring the Convention, thank you! Please know that you must still register as an attendee if you want to attend. The sponsorship awards your company advertising and promotion, but registration is still required.
Contact Cindy Warren, Director of Communication, Education, & Events at cwarren@pamic.org or call 717-303-0197.
PAMIC Antitrust Statement