Claims Committee:
Provide quality educational seminars; provide forums on claims questions. Research and disseminate relevant claims related information to the PAMIC membership.
Convention Committee:
Assist PAMIC’s Director of Education in planning the Annual Convention including speaker/education selection, conference structure, and participation by other state trade associations.
Education Committee:
Maintain and enhance the quality and profitability of PAMIC educational activities. Promote visibility of, and attendance at, all PAMIC educational activities. Coordinate all PAMIC educational activities to assure full coverage of all relevant topics and to reduce any unneeded duplication of topics.
Financial Management Committee:
Plan and produce a quality educational seminar and, in coordination with the Education Committee, provide roundtables and other forums as needed on financial management, accounting, financial reporting, tax and investment functions of company operations. Serve as a resource for financial management questions and alert association to emerging issues in financial management.
Government Affairs Committee:
Closely monitor insurance legislative and regulator and judicial developments and assess their impact on PAMIC membership. Respond appropriately to the issues. Assist in the development and maintenance of government affairs communications program with membership and foster and promote direct member communication.
Information Technology Committee:
To provide educational support and to foster exchange of information, ideas, and emerging issues relating to information systems technology and methodology as applicable to the insurance industry.
HR/Student Involvement Committee:
To facilitate relationships and serve as a liaison between local universities and higher learning institutions to attract students to careers in the insurance industry. Focused on creating partnerships and areas of study that focus on risk management and insurance at Pennsylvania universities.
Underwriting & Loss Prevention Committee:
Provide quality educational seminars; roundtables, and forums designed to enhance professional skills in underwriting, loss control and related fields. Research and disseminate emerging underwriting/loss control techniques, issues and problems.