Insurance Technology Trends Seminar
Thursday, October 21, 2021
Hybrid Event:
Best Western Premier, the Central Hotel
800 East Park Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17111
And PAMIC Online
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Seminar Details:
PAMIC and the Insurance Technology Committee invite you to join us for the 2021 Insurance Technology Trends Seminar!
8:00 - 8:30am Continental Breakfast
8:30 - 8:45am Welcome Remarks
Co-Chair - Frank Giardina, IDP
Co-Chair - Peter Kraynak, Insurance724
8:45 - 9:45am Cloud Discussion pt 1: Azure
Chris Bovasso, Director of Application Services at Microsoft Azure Solutions Partner Arraya Solutions
Taking your next step with cloud technologies is not at all clear or simple, no matter where you’re at with cloud migration of you infrastructure, applications, or your legacy system. Planning and executing your steps with Cloud and going from “here” to “there” presents a myriad of approaches, vendor options, and key risks that expose the entire business – not just an aspect of the IT department. This session will break down mysteries for the available cloud models and help you compare the aspects of architecture, model, service delivery, service levels, staffing/skills, security, and legacy/current core application deployment. Covering the above overall subject from the Azure (Microsoft) standpoint, but also with an external solution partner perspective for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications through Microsoft-managed data centers along with clarity for software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and infrastructure as a service (IaaS).
9:45 - 10:00am Morning Break
10:00 - 11:00am Cloud Discussion pt 2: AWS
Troy Ameigh, Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services
AmyClaire Wieser, Migration Delivery for AWS Professional Services
Technology leaders and IT teams in the insurance industry today face constant expectations about how to make the best use of omni-present cloud technology opportunities and in some cases are purposefully pursuing a cloud-based transformation. With this session, you will have the chance to solidify your understanding of the Amazon Web Services/AWS Cloud fundamentals which will help you and your team in any stage of your “cloud journey.” The AWS deployment model and migration options will help you and your team develop your overall Cloud journey roadmap or help you update/improve your current roadmap and help your company take advantage of their unique on-demand cloud computing platforms and related services.
11:00 - 12:00pm Bringing the Amazon Customer Experience into Claims
Tim Christ, Claimatic
Liz Simmons, Claimatic
Every insurer knows that claims is where “the rubber meets the road” for a policyholder to ultimately have the best possible customer experience or one that is less than ideal. During the insured’s journey into times of a loss, new technology is now available to differentiate your company even as a small or mid-sized mutual. This presentation addresses the 16 steps of a full claims lifecycle, the claims journey from perspectives of the policyholder, adjuster, and claims vendor, and discusses how technology helps you re-invent the customer experience you provide. Learn about using Cloud techniques and IoT (the Internet of things) in your processes – from automating FNOL, straight-through processing, payments, as well as the evolving area of proactive risk prevention/mitigation.
12:00 - 1:00pm Lunch and Networking
1:00 - 2:00pm Cyber Security for Department Licensees
Mike Humphreys, Pennsylvania Insurance Department
David Buono, Pennsylvania Insurance Department
Senior leaders in the Insurance Department created a Cyber Security Taskforce to review and oversee cyber events of its licenses. Additionally, the Insurance Department prepared an exposure draft of the Pennsylvania version of the NAIC Cyber Security model law. The presenters will provide "lessons learned" from the Cyber Security Task Force and review the requirements in the draft Cyber Security exposure draft legislation.
2:00- 2:10pm Afternoon Break
2:10 - 3:00pm Data Analytics Overview
Andy Pelcin, Head of Research and Insights at the InsurTech “Buckle”
An analytics session “primer” by Andy Pelcin from the InsurTech “Buckle” (see www.buckleup.com which is focused on providing coverage in the rideshare space). The proper use of data analytics represents one of the most powerful opportunities to improve your company’s growth and become a data driven organization. This session will provide an overview of how Buckle leverages data for maximum pricing and risk management value in a very dynamic/new insurance industry paradigm.
3:00 - 3:50pm Data Analytics Breakdown from the Mutuals Perspective
Michelle Furjanic, Penn National Insurance
Erin Selfe, Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance Company
Nathanael Waite, Goodville Mutual Insurance
Kiran Rangaswamy, ValueMomentum
The panel will discuss real life experiences with implementing a data strategy and utilizing data analytics in the company. The key aspects for analytics will be covered including data value, business intelligence, and leveraging technology with a focus on the need for very substantial data preparation and data source integration work which precedes any progress with analytics.
3:50 - 4:30pm Breakout Sessions and Discussions
Analytics 101
Moderated by: Frank Giardina, IDP
This breakout session will discuss the basic approaches to getting started with data analytics and the questions that need to be answered as you formulate your plan.
- What are the business drivers?
- What data sources do I have?
- Do I have Legacy data that is stored in home grown systems or vendor data sitting in a vendor system that I need to access or both?
- What is my approach to storing the data?
- What types of resources do I need?
- How do I construct my roadmap and plan?
Analytics Advanced
Moderated by: Peter Kraynak, Insurance724
This breakout session will discuss the opportunities and challenges once you have a handle on your data and processes.
- What products and tools are available?
- What types of skill sets are needed to support and maintain my environment?
- What are some of the ongoing associated costs that I can expect?
- What are the key metrics that matter to my organization?
- How will I deliver information to my users?
- How do I turn data into information?
4:30 - 6:00pm Networking Happy Hour at O'Reilly's
sponsored by BizDynamics, the cloud business unit of ValueMomentum, Inc.
6:00pm Adjournment

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