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PAMIC 2022 Recap

January 02, 2023 1:04 PM | Deleted user

As we return to more in-person events this year, PAMIC has held a number of successful events, including networking and charity-related events.  Here are some recaps to our great year:

Please also consider joining us for our first 2023 Webinar - Ungarean, Macmiles and the Future of COVID Cases free to PAMIC members only to be held January 5th, from 10-11 am.  Register on the PAMIC website at pamic.info/event-5078442.  On December 28th, PAMIC agreed to participate in an amicus brief, along with APCIA, IFP and others, in support of CNA’s request to the PA Supreme Court to take up an appeal of the Ungarean case. 

Happy New Year to All!  PAMIC and its staff look forward to a healthy and prosperous new year with its amazing members.  

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