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Throughout the year PAMIC hosts a wide variety of valuable educational events. Each year members can join us at our Convention, Claims Summit, Annual Spring Conference and many other engaging events. Our education aims to cover all topics that might be relevant to the insurance professional whether they work for a mutual, stock or reciprocal company. 

We pride our association on being the premier provider of education in the Mid-Atlantic region. The nature of our events is constantly evolving to match the needs of our membership. Join in the discussion and network with other industry professionals as we strive to provide you with the tools to help your company succeed. 

FALL CONFERENCE: October 30-31, Hotel Gettysburg, Gettysburg, PA

InsurTech Showcase

Peter Kraynak, Insurance724

Successful Exception Underwriting Panel

Kevin Finn, Mutual Capital Analytics; Paul Stenbjorn, Frederick Mutual; Eric Barger, Farmers & Mechanics; Dan Borges, Tuscarora Wayne

Cybersecurity Hygiene

BJ Gardner, Pennsylvania Lumbermans Mutual Insurance

Underwriting Breakout: Agency Perspective

Paul W Hadzor, III, The Glatfelter Agency & Susquehanna Agent Alliance

117th MAMAC CONVENTION PRESENTATIONS: August 4-6, Hyatt Regency Chesapeake Bay Resort, Cambridge, MD

Keynote Presentation on Current State of the Economy

Curtis Dubay, Chief Economist, US Chamber of Commerce

Board Education Presentation

Neil Alldredge, President & CEO, NAMIC

Weather Volatility in the Mid-Atlantic Region

Dan Hartung, Managing Director & Meteorologist for AON Reinsurance Solutions

State of the Industry

Sean Kevelighan, President & CEO, iii

117th MAMAC CONVENTION PHOTOS: Click here to view the photos.

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